Vershina-KZ LLP is the owner of a database containing personal data that Vershina-KZ collects when Users visit Vershina-KZ Stores, pick-up points, shopping centers in Kazakhstan or use the Online Store/Site, Mobile Application. In this Privacy Policy, Vershina-KZ has collected information about what personal data Vershina-KZ collects, how and for what purposes it uses personal data, what is the basis for the use of personal data, to whom personal data is transferred, and how Users can exercise their rights.

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the retail purchase and sale agreement (Agreement).

  3. purposes of collecting and processing personal data
  4. legal grounds for processing personal data
  5. protection of personal information
  6. rights
  7. dispute resolution
  8. transfer of data to PARTNERS AND OTHER PERSONS
  9. transfer of data to other countries
  10. storage of personal data
  11. links to third party websites
  12. changes to privacy policy
  13. contacts


Vershina-KZ– Vershina-KZ LLP (Vershina-KZ Operator), a legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the address 050065, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Alatau district, microdistrict. Shanyrak 1, st. Birlik, building 111/1, BIN 070340016356.

Online store/Site – an information system located on the Internet with the domain name , intended for the sale of Goods to Buyers.

Mobile application is specially developed software for working on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, developed for a specific platform (iOS, Android, WindowsPhone, etc.), hosted on the GooglePlayStore, AppStore services for downloading and installation by Buyers, called “Carpaint” , intended for the sale of Goods/Services to Buyers.

Platform – all and any communication channels through which the reception and/or transmission of personal data of Users is carried out, including, but not limited to:

·         Online store/Website;

·         Mobile app;

·         Shops, pick-up points, shopping centers;

·         Contact center; /

·         pages on social networks including, but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Telegram;

·         all other communication channels operating under the “” trademarks.

Users are individuals interacting with Vershina-KZ through the Platform on their own behalf, or individuals acting on behalf and in the interests of the legal entity they represent, as well as individual entrepreneurs, including registered users, and users who do not have an account, unauthorized users.

Cookies are small text files in which the browser records data from sites visited by Buyers. Cookies perform a number of functions, for example, allowing the User to efficiently navigate between pages, remembering his preferences, and thus improves the experience of interacting with the online store/Site. They can alsosuits his interests.


All definitions used in this Privacy Policy are applied and interpreted in accordance with the definitions specified in the Agreement and/or all other annexes, policies, rules, additions, statements and consents that are an integral part of the Agreement and/or in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Vershina-KZ may request from Users personal information necessary to provide the Services requested by Users, sell/return Goods, receive consultations through the Platform, to participate in the Privilege Club, when applying for a loan. Users also provide Vershina-KZ with their personal data when registering/interacting with Vershina-KZ on the Platform. The personal data that Users provide to Vershina-KZ for the execution of a retail sales contract is listed in the public Offer posted in the Mobile Application and the Online Store/Website.

Vershina-KZ collects and processes the following personal data:

·         data that Users transmit to Vershina-KZ;

·         data that Vershina-KZ collects automatically;

·         data about Users that Vershina-KZ receives from Partners and other persons directly or indirectly associated with Vershina-KZ in the process of providing services requested by Users and selling goods.

Personal data that Users transmit to Vershina-KZ

Personal data that Users provide to us:

·         identification data is data that allows you to identify the User, including, but not limited to the following types of data: biometric data, last name, first name, gender, date of birth, email address, delivery address, cell phone number, individual identification number, telephone conversation records, video recordings surveillance cameras in the iPVZ Store, login to enter your account;

·         information about transactions – information about purchases, orders, returns, requests from the User to the Contact Center, Service Center made through the Platform;

tab-stops:list 36.0pt;background:#F7F7F7;vertical-align:baseline"> ·         marketing and communications data , including subscription preferences for promotional mailings;

·         reviews that Users leave about Products/Services on the Platform, as well as other comments and recommendations.

Data that Vershina-KZ collects automatically

Vershina-KZ also collects information about Users’ interactions with the Platform using cookies, which include:

·         Usage information – includes, but is not limited to, information about how Users interact with the Platform, what pages the User views, what links the User follows in the Online Store/Site, Mobile Application, what products they are interested in, dates and times of access to the Platform, as well as about websites , from which the User was redirected to the Platform (only in cases where the transition was made from an Internet resource of a search engine or from an Internet resource where Vershina-KZ advertising was posted), data on the User’s location in real time when interacting with the Platform and other interactions with the Platform;

·         technical data : includes, but is not limited to, IP address, browser data, language of use and operating system data of the Users.

Data that Vershina-KZ receives from Partners

Vershina-KZ may also receive other User data from Partners and other persons. Vershina-KZ receives from Partners, including but not limited to the following data:

·         about the approved and/or issued loan, refusal to provide a loan or installment plan, and its reason;

·         data on the delivery status of the Goods, the Recipient;

·         information about the selected/purchased Products/Services, their faults/deficiencies, replacements/repairs made;

In order to optimize and personalize the operation of the Platform, personal data or data collected automatically,be combined into one data pool or accumulated in databases independent from each other and processed separately.

All actions of Vershina-KZ are carried out in compliance with the rights of Users provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Users, by written request, may refuse to use a number of personal data, and this may mean that the User will not be able to use some functionality of the Platform, and/or receive full information, access to certain services/or information.

3. Purposes of collection and processing of personal data

Vershina-KZ may collect and process personal data for the following purposes:

Sale of Goods, provision of Services - to provide information about Goods/Services, provide warranty service, process Orders, identify Users on the Platform, create profiles on the Platform for new Users, as well as for customer support;

·         Consideration of claims and dispute resolution – to obtain complete and detailed information about the details of claims and/or disputes necessary for their resolution.

·         Platform Administration – for administering User profiles, troubleshooting, reporting and posting data, and performing other administrative actions to manage the Platform.

·         Improving the quality of Products/Services, business development - to improve quality, including customizing the Platform taking into account the preferences and interests of Users, offering new Products/Services. Vershina-KZ uses personal data to conduct research, analysis, and surveys that will help analyze Users' purchasing preferences, determine Products/Services that best meet Users' requirements, and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising to monitor User satisfaction.

·         Marketing – to inform Users about Products and Services, send information about discounts and promotions, special offers and all other materials, conduct promotions and/or sweepstakes.

·         Personalized advertising – to determine the interests of Users and/or display the most relevant advertising and offers.

·         Implementation of the loyalty program “Privilege Club “CarpaintPLUS”. .

·         Fulfillment of legal obligations : Vershina-KZ has obligations under the law and Vershina-KZ processes a number of personal data in order to fulfill its obligations under the law.

·         Statistical data .


·         The moment the User begins to use the Platform means agreement with this Privacy Policy and its acceptance in full without additions or exceptions, and means his full unconditional consent to collection, systematization, accumulation, storage (clarification, update, change), processing, use, transfer to third parties, depersonalization , blocking, destruction and cross-border transfer of personal data recorded on electronic, paper, and (or) other media available in any sources, including publicly available ones, which were, will be or may be known to the Company and/or Partners or received by them from the User and/ or by any means that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the process of carrying out their activities and/or using any sources, including publicly available ones.

·         The consent is valid for the entire duration of the Agreement, and for 5 (five) years after its expiration.

·         In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy, the User must stop using the Platform immediately.

·         This Privacy Policy applies only to the Platform, and Vershina-KZ does not control and is not responsible for sites, third-party applications that the User can access via available links.

·         Vershina-KZ does not check the validityThe User bears the responsibility independently in the manner and under the conditions established by the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. protection of personal data

Vershina-KZ takes all necessary organizational, technical and legal measures to protect the personal data of Users in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

User Responsibilities

By providing Vershina-KZ with access to personal data, the User guarantees its accuracy and also undertakes to notify Vershina-KZ about changes in personal data. Vershina-KZ recommends that Users observe basic security measures for personal devices through which access to the Platform, passwords and personal information is provided, including the following security measures:

·         use strong passwords, update passwords periodically, follow basic security measures for storing passwords and account names;

·         Be careful when responding to an email, phone call, instant messenger message, or letter from anyone asking for a password, ID or bank card information, or other information. Do not transmit such data, call the Contact Center to clarify the situation regarding the legality of the received request for data;

·         Enter your password and credit card number only through a secure connection in the online store (the “https/http” icon in the browser’s address bar means that the connection is secure).

The User bears full responsibility for the negative consequences caused by the User’s lack of due diligence and related to unauthorized persons gaining access to the User’s personal data.


·         The user has a number of rights regarding his personal data.

·         The user has the right to know that Vershina-KZ has personal data that Vershina-KZ stores and processes.

·         The user has the right to receive information about how his personal data is used. Alldata, as well as the terms of processing and storage of personal data, can be read in this Privacy Policy, as well as in the Agreement and/or its integral parts.

·         The user has the right to request changes or additions to personal data, correction of inaccurate information about himself.

·         In some cases, Vershina-KZ may request supporting documents from the User, including an identification document.

·         If the User is registered on the Platform, he may change or update some personal data in the corresponding section of his account on the Platform. You can update or change the data by contacting the Contact Center or in the Store.

·         The user has the right to demand that Vershina-KZ block (actions to temporarily stop collecting and processing data) personal data if there is information about a violation of the terms of collection and processing of personal data by Vershina-KZ.

·         The user has the right to demand that Vershina-KZ destroy personal data when the collection and processing of data is carried out by Vershina-KZ on the basis of consent. Vershina-KZ reserves the right to process personal data that is collected on the basis of a contract, as well as on other grounds, as specified in this policy and the Legal Notice.

o    The user has the right to withdraw consent to the collection, processing of personal data at any time.

These rights can be exercised by sending a preliminary notice of this Vershina-KZ to the legal address: 050065, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Alatau district, microdistrict. Shanyrak 1, Birlik St., building 111/1, BIN 070340016356 no less than 30 (thirty) days before the withdrawal comes into force, calculated from the date of receipt of the corresponding notification by Vershina-KZ. Rights cannot be exercised in cases where this is contrary to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in the presence of unfulfilled obligations by the User to Vershina-KZ.


If the User has a question, a request to Vershina-KZ and/or the User believes that the processing of personal data is carried out in violation of the law, the User has the right to contact Vershina-KZ to resolve the dispute. The user also has the right to contact the authorized body in the field of personal data protection. Such an authorized body isRepublic of Kazakhstan. Contact details of the ministry can be found at the following link:

Vershina-KZ informs that the User has the right to apply for protection of his violated rights and legitimate interests to the authorized bodies, subjects of pre-trial dispute resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to the judicial authorities of the city in which the User is located.

Vershina-KZ also informs that it is a member of the self-regulatory organization “Union of Trade Networks of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (located at: Almaty, Astana microdistrict, 1/10,, to which the User can apply for the protection of his violated rights and legitimate interests.

Users can send letters and complaints in the manner specified in this policy in the “Contacts” section.

Vershina-KZ will be happy to help resolve any request.


Vershina-KZ may transfer personal data to Partners and other persons including, but not limited to the following persons:

·         Service providers are individuals and/or legal entities with whom Vershina-KZ has concluded agreements for the provision of services, such as transport, postal, courier services, website hosting, hosting of Vershina-KZ information systems, conducting surveys, market analysis, providing marketing services, conducting surveys, advertising partners, providing other services to improve the quality of our work, goods and services.

·         Financial institutions – banks and/or credit organizations in connection with the Users’ use of lending programs, to which Vershina-KZ may provide the Users’ personal data, IIN, cell phone number and name, as specified during registration. Further collection, processing, storage, use, transfer, etc. of Users’ personal data is carried out on the basis of a separate consent, which Financial Institutions obtain independently on their Internet resources.

·         Government bodies, courts . Vershina-KZ may disclose personal data of Users if required by law enforcement agencies, a court or persons executing court decisions, if such a request complies with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Vershina-KZ may transfer abroad and store personal data of Users abroad. When transferring cross-border data, Vershina-KZ takes the measures required to ensure data security.


The period for storing personal data depends on the purpose of processing and the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Vershina-KZcollection and processing of data, as well as to fulfill the obligations of Vershina-KZ provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including legislation on accounting and financial reporting, after which Vershina-KZ destroys/deletes personal data.

To determine the storage period for personal data, Vershina-KZ takes into account the nature and sensitivity of personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use of personal data, the purposes for which Vershina-KZ collects personal data, as well as the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The user can ask Vershina-KZ to destroy his account. An account that includes first name, last name, IIN, phone number, email, gender, date of birth and communication language will be deleted. At the same time, information about the User’s interaction with the Platform, purchase history in electronic form and in paper form will be saved. After deleting the account, Vershina-KZ will not communicate with the User either for the execution of the Agreement, or for marketing or other purposes until the User independently restores the account.

If you have any questions regarding the data storage period or a request to delete your account, Users can contact Vershina-KZ in the manner specified in the “Contacts” section of this Privacy Policy.


The Vershina-KZ Platform may contain links to third-party websites or services. Users may also access third-party websites from our Platform. These may be websites of banks and credit organizations with which Vershina-KZ cooperates on lending and installment programs for Users. Vershina-KZ is not responsible for the content of these websites or services, their policies, conditions for collecting and processing personal data of users. Please note that the actions of third parties are governed by their own privacy policies. Users are asked to review such privacy policies on third-party resources.


Vershina-KZ may unilaterally, at its own discretion, make changes to the Privacy Policy that do not violate the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, notifying Users about this in ways available to Vershina-KZ. Vershina-KZ will endeavor to provide Users with notice of changes to the Privacy Policy through the Platform. This can be a banner or pop-up notification in the online store, as well as a push notification in the Mobile application or profile information in the Mobile application. Vershina-KZ may also send notice of changes to the Privacy Policy to the Users' email addresses.

This Privacy Policy, as well as the Agreement (public Offer) are always available in the online store and in the Mobile application for review.


For all questions about this Privacy Policy and how Vershina-KZ processes personal data, as well as complaints, Users can contact by sending a letter, a complaint to the postal address: 050065, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Alatau district, Shanyrak microdistrict 1, st. Birlik, building 111/1, BIN 070340016356.

Vershina-KZ considers such letters or complaints if they are sent in paper form marked “personal data”, and reserves the right not to respond to requests and complaints from Users sent by other means of communication, incl. through social networks. Vershina-KZ recommends that Users do not leave their personal data on Vershina-KZ pages on social networks.